Stress and driving during the pandemic period
It is very important to understand how we feel before driving and try to relax as much as possible. So here are some tips to help you get started:
But first let's mention some signs of stress while driving:
- To have racing driving tendencies.
- Blame it on all the other road users.
- Have eaten a lot or nothing before driving.
- To have smoked a lot or to have consumed alcohol.
- Feeling overwhelmed.
- To persistently claim priority.
- Let us be to blame for the current situation.
- Let the roads be our fault.
- Blame it on any honking.
- Blame it on others who do not start in the green immediately, and much more on the road that takes us out of ourselves.
- It is also our fault that we stayed inside due to quarantine, that everyone's work went back, that it was forbidden to be free to go wherever you want and whenever you want.
Let's go to the tips now
- Take a short walk and take deep breaths.
- To think of something nice.
- To measure by taking deep breaths up to 10.
- Wait until we feel calm.
- Tell someone we trust how we feel.
- Drink plenty of water and take long breaths.
- If you feel drowsy, it is best not to get in the vehicle.
As is well known, driving is a multifactorial set of activities that requires attention and great concentration. We have to drive defensively, given that the way we drive is a result of the driver's emotions before he even gets into the vehicle. So when we start driving we have to forget everything to be safe.
Many studies that have been done have examined the relationship between driving stress and aggressive driving, in combination with the factors of the environment in which we live and affect us to a great extent. The results have shown that the 75% of stressed drivers exhibits extreme aggressive driving. So as traffic jams increase and the daily lives of all of us deteriorate, especially due to a pandemic, it is logical that the controversies of road users increase. Our brain in such conditions "blurs" and detaches. So we put our lives in danger and the lives of other road users.
So we need to change our driving habits to be safe!