Ice on the windshield of the vehicle and on all the crystals.
It is a phenomenon that occurs in the winter months and is very dangerous if the driver does not properly clean all the crystalline surfaces and tries to start earlier.
To give some tips for better result if there is Ice or ways to avoid the phenomenon.
It will be good in periods of low temperatures if we do not have a parking space at home that the car is not exposed to the weather, to take it to a nearby place or to a friend who has space to leave it. Because there is always the possibility that we need it immediately and can not because of frozen crystals.
If we have the opportunity and we are close to the sea, It would be good to have stored sea water so that we can wet towels and place them on the windows from the moment we park.
Another way is to place a hood all over the vehicle if available, otherwise we should put even the sun protection outside the windows in order to avoid the Ice.
If we still do not manage to prevent the formation of ice, it would be good to use a scraper to remove all the crystals and mirrors of course, always wearing the appropriate gloves and clothes. We can also spray with salt water or sea water.
It will be good for the vehicle to work so that the air conditioning works inside, to have heat inside, thus helping to remove the Ice.
It is recommended to place the appropriate liquid in the water tank of the wipers so that it does not freeze. It is commercially available depending on how low temperatures are, if we do not have it we can put alcohol in the container.
What should be categorically avoided is to throw hot water because there is a high probability that the crystals will break due to a sharp temperature difference.
We must try to keep all glass surfaces clean and free of ice so that we can drive safely. It is also defined by the traffic code.
I will emphasize once again that we must avoid unnecessary travel.
By Manolis Gialitakis